Escape Tax Bills

The Treasurer-Tax Collector sends escape tax bills when your assessment has changed and was not included on your regular property tax bill. 

Why would you receive an escape bill? Here are a few examples: 

  • Construction was done without a building permit.
  • There was an unrecorded ownership transfer. 
  • A business audit changed the property's assessment. 
  • The assessment was corrected. 
  • A property owner has died and the estate executor has not notified the Assessor's Office of the death in a timely manner. 

Some escape bills may be eligible to be paid on a four-year payment. 

To enroll a bill on the four-year plan, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Escape tax bill must be for a previous fiscal tax year.
  2. The total amount due must be greater than $500.
  3. Submit a completed and signed Four Year Payment Plan Agreement before April 10th or by the extension date listed on the coupon, whichever is later.
  4. Pay at least 20% of the escape bill and all other taxes that are currently due, if any, no later than the deadline for filing the written request.
  5. Pay the $76 payment plan set-up fee.
  6. If you do not pay your scheduled installments when due or other secured property taxes when due, the plan will default, and you will be charged penalties just like all other delinquent taxes. The tax plus the penalty will be due immediately.
  7. In each succeeding year, a payment of at least 20% of the original amount, plus a maintenance fee of $81, is required by April 10th.

You will default on the plan if any of the following happens:

  • 20% installment not received by April 10th each year
  • Maintenance fee of $81 not received with installment payment
  • Current year taxes not paid in full by April 10th each year
  • All Secured property tax bills not paid on time
  • The property with the escape bill changes ownership