Unclaimed Monies

Unclaimed Monies

There is over $867,171 worth of unclaimed money that we want to reunite with its rightful owners. State law provides that these funds will become property of the County unless a claim is filed on or before September 22, 2024.

Property Tax Refunds

Unclaimed property tax refunds are checks that remain uncashed usually because the postal service has returned the checks as undeliverable. In many of these cases, the person owed the money has moved and does not leave a forwarding address, or the forwarding order has expired. Checks may also be uncashed if they are lost or destroyed. State law provides that these funds will become the property of the County unless a claim is filed after a certain amount of years. The deadline to submit a claim for the listed items is September 22, 2024.


Countywide Unclaimed Monies

The County of San Diego departments have unclaimed money that they wish to reunite with its rightful owner. San Diego County may have been unable to locate payees to issue refunds due to a change of address or telephone number or for other reasons. State law provides that these funds will become the property of the County unless a claim is filed after a certain amount of years. The deadline to submit a claim for the listed items is September 22, 2024.