36K Late Property Tax Bills Face More Penalties on July 1
San Diego County Treasurer-Tax Collector Dan McAllister began sending 36,489 notices today to property owners who did not pay all their 2018-2019 property taxes, warning them that they face more penalties if the bills are not paid by June 30.
“On July 1, any unpaid bill will go into default and will receive another 1.5% penalty each month,” said McAllister. “That penalty amounts to 18% per year. I want to save people this hefty fine and encourage them to pay their bills as soon as possible.”
Property taxes are due in two installments – the first in December and the second in April. Each late installment has already incurred a 10% penalty, plus a $10 fee if the second installment was late.
The total of late taxes due is $109 million. The Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office (TTC) mailed 3,000 more late notices this year compared to last, when $87 million in property taxes was due before the June 30 default deadline.
So far, the TTC has collected 99.2% of first installments and 97.5% of second installments.
“For that past two years, we had a collection rate of 99.2%, which means most San Diegans take the responsibility to pay their taxes seriously,” said McAllister. “We want to give the small percentage of those who haven’t paid one more chance.”
Property owners can pay their bills immediately online at sdttc.com, where free e-check is the fastest and easiest way to pay. Begin your online payment well before the June 30 midnight deadline to make sure the payment is on time.
Threat of increased penalties is not the only incentive for people to pay their taxes. Under California State law, the TTC may sell properties that have been in default for five years.